Queensbury Community Scholarship Association
Our mission is to assist and encourage Queensbury High School students to pursue higher education and build a stronger community and school partnership.
Congratulations to all of our award winners!
The QCSA wishes you the very best future!
The QCSA are the stewards of 31 memorial scholarships as well as 6 honorary scholarships.

Eric W. Ackner Scholarship

Marcia B. Austin Memorial Scholarship

Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship

Michelle Bennett Memorial Scholarship

Gerard R. Bilodeau Memorial Scholarship

Kim Chase Memorial Scholarship

The Marlene Connolly Scholarship

The Marlene Connolly Scholarship

Nesbert R. And Thea Dehoney Memorial Scholarship

Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship

Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship

Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship

John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship

John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship

Patrick R. Eppedico Memorial Scholarship

Grace Foote Memorial Scholarship

Robert Gannon Memorial Scholarship

Raymond G. Gordon Memorial Scholarship

Sara Gryga Memorial Scholarship

The Hall Family Entreprenueur Scholarship

Dr. Jack V. Irion Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Jack V. Irion Memorial Scholarship

Sergeant Ted B. Islas Memorial Scholarship

Jonathan Joyce Memorial Scholarship

Daniel Kane Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Lamanto Memorial Scholarship

William J. Lansiedel Memorial Scholarship

Nathan Alan Linck Memorial Scholarship

Nino Manzella Memorial Scholarship

Roger Marcy Memorial Scholarship

Claire McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Claire McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Malcolm McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Malcolm McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Cody Miller Memorial Scholarship

Jeffry Morrison Memorial Scholarship

Henry D. Olson Memorial Scholarship

Mark Orlosky Memorial Scholarship

Robert B. Patch Memorial Scholarship

John Quirk Memorial Scholarship

Shirley Roach Memorial Scholarship

Betty Rooke Memorial Scholarship

Lee Sanford Memorial Scholarship

Willaim W. Stark Memorial Scholarship

Willaim W. Stark Memorial Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

Adam Sweeney Memorial Scholarship

Catherine Fleming Terry: Women in Stem Scholarship

Al and Lee Wehlitz Memorial Scholarship

James Wells Memorial Scholarship

Anne White Memorial Scholarship

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

Class of 2023 Award

Class of 2023 Award
Dan Raphael Aguilar
Eric W. Ackner Scholarship
This scholarship is given in honor of Eric W. Ackner, graduate of Queensbury High School, Class of 2014. This scholarship is given to a senior student who thinks “outside of the box”, celebrates different ways of learning, respects others, and is internally aware that we all have special talents, uniqueness and abilities to share with each other in a positive and lasting manner.
Claire Bardin
Marcia B. Austin Memorial Scholarship
The Marcia B. Austin Memorial Scholarship was established in 1998 after her passing the previous year. Marcia worked in the Queensbury Elementary School for many years. Upon her retirement, she was elected as a member of the Queensbury Board of Education, where she served for several years.
This year’s recipient of the Marcia B. Austin Memorial Scholarship is Claire Bardin.
Ava Janseen
Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship
The class of 2007 established the Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship after the passing of Katie in a tragic accident. Katie spent many years in dance and Girl Scouts and wished to pursue a career in journalism. The recipient this year of the Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship is Ava Janssen and Kayla Monroe.
Ava Janssen has danced since she was 3 years old, she has participated in multiple genres of dance and has enjoyed meeting new people through her performances. Ava volunteers for the American Red Cross and Home Town Thanksgiving. She is also a member of Best Buddies, Key Club, and French Club and French National Honor Society. She volunteered for the afterschool program at WHBI and QMS teaching French to the students. She has spent her past two summers working with 1st and 2nd graders in the summer academy program assisting the teachers. Ava will be attending SUNY Oneonta this fall, pursuing a degree in Childhood Education. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Kayla Monroe
Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship
The class of 2007 established the Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship after the passing of Katie in a tragic accident. Katie spent many years in dance and Girl Scouts and wished to pursue a career in journalism. The recipient this year of the Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship is Ava Janssen and Kayla Monroe.
Kayla Monroe, also spent many years performing, choreographing and teaching dance. She has attributed this experience to her desire to possibly explore early education as a career path this fall at SUNY Adirondack. Kayla has many volunteer hours as a junior member of the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, including completing the level 1 Fire Fighter course, which may have encouraged her to also consider a career in nursing. The QCSA wishes you the very best next year Kayla!
Elizabeth Rowley
Michelle Bennett Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth plans to become a college English Professor and obtain her PhD. She has always had a love for all aspects of English. She wants to show the importance of English in all aspects of life through teaching. She enjoys creating her own stories and analyzing someone else’s. She says “English allows for all different types of ways for a creator to express themselves. The possibilities are unlimited.” Elizabeth was also a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society and Future Business Leaders of America. She will be attending the College of Saint Rose in the Fall. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Madison Sheehan
Gerard R. Bilodeau Memorial Scholarship
Madison enjoyed her time as a Varsity Volleyball player, and served as team captain her senior year. She participated in the yearly Power of Pink tournament with her team and raised money for breast cancer research. Madison was a member of the National Honor Society and President of the Book Club. Last summer she worked at the Queensbury Parks and Recreation Department as a summer camp counselor and was fascinated by the children’s behaviors and interactions with each other, and also how their growing brains process information, situations and emotion. Madison will be attending Vermont State University at Castleton and studying Child Psychology and Sociology. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Kiana McKernon
Kim Chase Memorial Scholarship
Kiana plans to pursue a degree in Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine at Ithaca College. During her senior year she took Athletic Training and Health Careers through SUNY Adirondack. This program gave her the opportunity to work and learn with Queensbury’s athletic trainer as a student assistant for varsity sports. Kiana was on the Varsity Cheerleading team, a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Club and Key Club. The QCSA wishes you the best at Ithaca!
Owen Young
Nesbert R. and Thea Dehoney Memorial Scholarship
Nesbert DeHoney was a high school math teacher and department chair for many years. Nes coached several sports over three decades. Thea, his wife, was a physical education teacher for many years at area school districts, including the BOCES Adult Education Programs and the women’s adult swim and volleyball leagues. This year’s recipient of the Nesbert R. And Thea DeHoney Memorial Scholarship is Owen Young.
Owen is pursuing a career in teaching. He is interested in math, physics and economics and wishes to further develop these areas of study. Owen enjoyed coaching for the Queensbury Parks and Recreation Tennis Clinic. Watching the kids have a good time at sport that he has enjoyed so much of his life has left an impressionable mark on him. Owen is also a member of the National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society. The QCSA wishes you the best at Skidmore College!
Ryan Havern
Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship
Peter Donnelly served as the Director of Guidance at Queensbury High School, and later served as the administrator in charge of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education for the Queensbury Union Free School District. Peter had an infectious smile, a huge heart, and a sincere concern for those who simply struggled with day to day living. One of this year’s recipients of the Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship is Ryan Havern.
Ryan has a love for math and numbers and wishes to become a Certified Public Accountant. He will be attending Siena College in the Fall pursuing a degree in Business and Accounting. Ryan played on the baseball and basketball teams, and three of those years he was selected as the team captain. Being team captain gave him the opportunity to participate in Captain’s Club where he worked closely with coaches, promoting a positive and supportive atmosphere for teammates. He was also a member of National Honor Society. The QCSA wishes you the best!