Queensbury Community Scholarship Association
Our mission is to assist and encourage Queensbury High School students to pursue higher education and build a stronger community and school partnership.
Congratulations to all of our award winners!
The QCSA wishes you the very best future!
The QCSA are the stewards of 31 memorial scholarships as well as 6 honorary scholarships.

Eric W. Ackner Scholarship

Marcia B. Austin Memorial Scholarship

Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship

Michelle Bennett Memorial Scholarship

Gerard R. Bilodeau Memorial Scholarship

Josephine K. Burgess History Scholarship

Kim Chase Memorial Scholarship

Kim Chase Memorial Scholarship

The Marlene Connolly Scholarship

The Marlene Connolly Scholarship

Nesbert R. And Thea Dehoney Memorial Scholarship

Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship

Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship

Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship

Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship

John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship

John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship

Patrick R. Eppedico Memorial Scholarship

Kristen J. Field STEM Scholarship

Kristen J. Field STEM Scholarship

Grace Foote Memorial Scholarship

Grace Foote Memorial Scholarship

Robert Gannon Memorial Scholarship

Raymond G. Gordon Memorial Scholarship

Raymond G. Gordon Memorial Scholarship

Sara Gryga Memorial Scholarship

The Hall Family Entreprenueur Scholarship

Dr. Jack V. Irion Memorial Scholarship

Jonathan Joyce Memorial Scholarship

Daniel Kane Memorial Scholarship

William J. Lansiedel Memorial Scholarship

Nathan Alan Linck Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Lomanto Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Lomanto Memorial Scholarship

Nino Manzella Memorial Scholarship

Roger Marcy Memorial Scholarship

Claire McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Claire McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Malcolm McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Malcolm McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Cody Miller Memorial Scholarship

Jeffry Morrison Memorial Scholarship

Henry D. Olson Memorial Scholarship

Llyod L. Mott Jr Memorial Scholarship

Mark Orlosky Memorial Scholarship

Robert B. Patch Memorial Scholarship

John Quirk Memorial Scholarship

Betty Rooke Memorial Scholarship

Lee Sanford Memorial Scholarship

Willaim W. Stark Memorial Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship

Adam Sweeney Memorial Scholarship

Catherine Fleming Terry: Women in Stem Scholarship

Al and Lee Wehlitz Memorial Scholarship

James Wells Memorial Scholarship

Anne White Memorial Scholarship

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

Community Involvement Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

School Citizen Award

Class of 2024 Award

Class of 2024 Award
Maria Conway
Eric W. Ackner Scholarship
This scholarship is given in honor of Eric W. Ackner, graduate of Queensbury High School, Class of 2014. This scholarship is given to a senior student who thinks “outside of the box”, celebrates different ways of learning, respects others, and is internally aware that we all have special talents, uniqueness and abilities to share with each other in a positive and lasting manner.This year’s recipient of the Eric W. Ackner Scholarship was awarded to Maria Conway and presented to her by Lynne Ackner, mother to Eric.
Maria has enjoyed participating in sports programs at Queensbury since she was a young child. At QHS, she played Tennis and Lacrosse, as well as managed the Girls Basketball team. She was grateful for the community service opportunities she found through membership in the NHS. Maria was able to secure some unique opportunities to explore a future career in Physical Therapy through the PT program at QES, at a local Rehabilitation Center, as well as interning at a local gym with a therapist. She is considering a career in Pediatric Physical Therapy as she begins her studies at SUNY Oneonta, followed by SUNY Upstate Medical University for the 3+3 Doctorate in Physical Therapy. The QCSA wishes you success in your pursuits!
Coralee Zahn
Marcia B. Austin Memorial Scholarship
The Marcia B. Austin Memorial Scholarship was established in 1998 after her passing the previous year. Marcia worked in the Queensbury Elementary School for many years. Upon her retirement, she was elected as a member of the Queensbury Board of Education, where she served for several years.This year’s recipient of the Marcia B. Austin Memorial Scholarship was Coralee Zahn.
Coralee was a member of NHS and the Tri-M Music Honor Society. She performed with the Jazz Band, Pep Band, and Concert Band on clarinet and also sang in the chorus. The past two years, Coralee participated in Track & Field as a thrower and also maintained two part-time jobs. This fall, Coralee will begin her studies in Pre-Law at Hartwick University and hopes to one day be a Family Court Judge. The QCSA wishes you the very best!
Kaylee Prevost
Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship
The class of 2007 established the Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship after the passing of Katie in a tragic accident. Katie spent many years in dance and Girl Scouts and wished to pursue a career in journalism. The Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Kaylee Prevost.
Kaylee has enjoyed her time participating in Mock Trial and NHS. Outside of the classroom, she has been involved with both Girl Scouts and dance since Kindergarten. Kaylee will be attending SUNY Canton this fall, where she will study Criminal Investigation. Best wishes to you Kaylee from the QCSA!!!
Kaylee Prevost
Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship
The class of 2007 established the Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship after the passing of Katie in a tragic accident. Katie spent many years in dance and Girl Scouts and wished to pursue a career in journalism. The Katie Beadnell Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Kaylee Prevost.
Kaylee has enjoyed her time participating in Mock Trial and NHS. Outside of the classroom, she has been involved with both Girl Scouts and dance since Kindergarten. Kaylee will be attending SUNY Canton this fall, where she will study Criminal Investigation. Best wishes to you Kaylee from the QCSA!
Caleigh Johnson
Michelle Bennett Memorial Scholarship
Grace Russell
Gerard R. Bilodeau Memorial Scholarship
Allyson Sheffield
Josephine K. Burgess History Scholarship
This year, the QCSA is honored to introduce the Josephine K. Burgess History Scholarship. Josephine grew up and graduated high school on Long Island before studying Home Economics at the University of Kentucky and embarking on a retail career after college. She earned her Master’s degree from Rivier College in New Hampshire and, after landing a job with Boston Scientific as a Human Resources specialist, she moved to Queensbury to be near her family. Over the years, she was a staunch supporter of her nephew Joseph’s pursuit of a History career, first, with the National Park Service at Gettysburg, San Antonio, and Lowell and, most recently, at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, where she devoured all the history those sites had to offer. Josephine passed away in the spring of 2023. The award was presented to Allyson Sheffield.
Allyson was a volunteer and intern at the Warren County Historical Society, where she enjoyed promoting History education. The largest project she worked on was updating the county’s historic markers, by converting the stories and history of each historical marker into a virtual web page that is accessible by a QR code. Allyson believes that “History education is one of the most important things that we can be taught in schools, as History encompasses what it means to learn, develop, and care for one another.” Additionally, she was a member of the Key Club, Teen Advocacy Group, Spanish Honor Society, NHS, and Best Buddies. She aspires to become a Physical Therapist and will be studying at the University of Oklahoma in the fall. Best wishes to you Allyson from all of us at QCSA!
Abigail Johnson
Kim Chase Memorial Scholarship
Abigail enjoyed her time performing as a Madrigal and for the opportunity to travel to France with the group. She was especially grateful to Coach Anderson and Coach Caitlin for their support on the Varsity Swim Team. In her Senior year, Abigail was able, for the first time, to take two art classes and joined the National Art Honor Society. She appreciated the welcoming environment of the department and added, “I will always be grateful for my experiences with them and the overall positive and caring atmosphere of Queensbury’s art department.” Abigail will be studying Marine Biology this fall at Nova Southeastern University. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Kathryn Linehan
Kim Chase Memorial Scholarship
Kathryn was a member of the Greater Glens Falls Flyers Swim Club, earning the title of MVP in 2021. She brought these skills to the Varsity Swim team, helping them win Foothills Conference Championships three consecutive times. In the summers, she worked as a lifeguard at Gurney Lane and taught swim lessons to young children. She is a proud member of the NHS, and a section leader for the Chamber Orchestra. Kathryn devoted her time to the Teen Advocacy Group and took pride in their accomplishments, encouraging young drivers to be safer on roads. Kathryn plans to study Speech Pathology at the University of New Hampshire this fall. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Carl Nathaniel Aguilar
Nesbert R. and Thea Dehoney Memorial Scholarship
Nesbert DeHoney was a high school math teacher and department chair for many years. Nes coached several sports over three decades. Thea, his wife, was a physical education teacher for many years at area school districts, including the BOCES Adult Education Programs and the women’s adult swim and volleyball leagues held at various community venues. This year’s recipient of the Nesbert R. & Thea DeHoney Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Carl Nathaniel Aguilar.
As the President of NHS, Carl enjoyed organizing community service projects and working side by side with his classmates and friends. On his own, he created a virtual job board, where he posted various community agencies in need of student volunteers, monitoring the site all year to allow the local community to benefit from student support for philanthropic efforts. Carl found the International Baccalaureate Diploma program at QHS very rigorous, but, in the end, very fulfilling. He plans to study Computer Science this fall at the University at Buffalo. Best wishes from the QCSA!
Austin Holsclaw
Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship
Peter Donnelly served as the Director of Guidance at Queensbury High School, and later served as the administrator in charge of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education for the Queensbury Union Free School District. Peter had an infectious smile, a huge heart, and a sincere concern for those who simply struggled with day to day living. One of this year’s recipients of the Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship is Austin Holsclaw.
Austin valued his time as a member of the Varsity Lacrosse team, which he says, “provided me structure and taught me the value of working together as a team to achieve a common goal.” He enjoyed the volunteer opportunities through membership in the NHS as well as at “Lucky Puppy Rescue” in Argyle, NY, assisting with rehoming and rehabilitation of rescue dogs. Austin combined his love of fishing with his ingenuity, and started his own fishing lure company. He hopes to one day become a veterinarian and will begin his studies in Biology at Keuka College The QCSA wishes you the best!
Abigail Kittell
Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship
Peter Donnelly served as the Director of Guidance at Queensbury High School, and later served as the administrator in charge of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education for the Queensbury Union Free School District. Peter had an infectious smile, a huge heart, and a sincere concern for those who simply struggled with day to day living. One of this year’s recipients of the Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship is Abigail Kittell.
Abigail was grateful to participate in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. She found working with her “little” for the past two years very rewarding. She gained life lessons as a member of the Varsity Field Hockey Team, such as, “what it means to be a good teammate on and off the field, and to value things like time management.” Abigail also credits the IB program at QHS for really preparing her for college. This fall, Abigail will be attending the University at Buffalo and she plans to study Biology and Genetics. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Patrick Mannix
Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship
Peter Donnelly served as the Director of Guidance at Queensbury High School, and later served as the administrator in charge of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education for the Queensbury Union Free School District. Peter had an infectious smile, a huge heart, and a sincere concern for those who simply struggled with day to day living. One of this year’s recipients of the Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship is Patrick Mannix.
Patrick was a contributing member of the Varsity Basketball Team, where he says he learned the “value of hard work, dedication, and teamwork.” He also held the role of Captain on the Golf Team and was a member of NHS. Patrick was grateful for the internship opportunity he had at V & H Construction, which helped him choose his career path. Patrick will be studying Construction Technology this fall at Hudson Valley Community College and he hopes to one day build and manage apartment complexes. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Jacob Morris
Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship
Peter Donnelly served as the Director of Guidance at Queensbury High School, and later served as the administrator in charge of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education for the Queensbury Union Free School District. Peter had an infectious smile, a huge heart, and a sincere concern for those who simply struggled with day to day living. One of this year’s recipients of the Peter T. Donnelly Memorial Scholarship is Jacob Morris.
Jacob valued the time he committed to his CAS project, a requirement of the IB diploma program, in which he aimed to provide summer volunteer opportunities to QHS students by communicating with local charities and accumulating volunteer opportunities for students into one source. He spent his spare time on an Astronomy Data Analysis Project of his own creation, using statistics relating to exoplanetary data from NASA. Jacob hopes to one day work for an employer like NASA so that he may further his exoplanetary research. This fall, he will begin his studies at Vassar College in the area of Astronomy/Astrophysics. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Allison Dittrich
Kristen J. Field STEM Scholarship
The QCSA is proud to introduce our newest scholarship, the Class of 1999, Kristen J. Field STEM Scholarship, given in honor of Kristen J. Field, graduate of Queensbury High School, Class of 1999. She and the entire Field family have been supporters of both the Queensbury School and the Queensbury community for many years. During her time at Queensbury, Kristen was involved in many clubs and activities, including founding member and Treasurer of the first chapter of SADD at QHS. She was also a very active member of NHS, Key Club, Art Club, and Editor of the QHS yearbook. She loved being a part of both the choir and the orchestra, singing and playing viola. It was at Queensbury that Kristen began her passion for a variety of STEM subjects, including all sciences, math, and technology. She has an ongoing interest in all of these areas and, in particular, with the field of neuroscience. Both Kristen and the Field family wish to encourage other women to pursue careers in STEM and to support those that give of themselves to make a difference in the world. This scholarship is intended to go to someone who truly wants to leave the world a better place than when they found it through their hard work, passion for making a difference, and kindness to others. The award winners were Allison Dittrich and Sarah Johnson.
Allison held the role of President of the Class of 2024 since Freshman year. She was a two sport Varsity athlete in Soccer and Nordic Skiing. She served as Treasurer of the Spanish Honor Society, was a member of the Teen Advocacy Group, NHS, and FBLA. Allison plans to study Aerospace Engineering at the University at Buffalo this fall. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Sarah Johnson
Kristen J. Field STEM Scholarship
The QCSA is proud to introduce our newest scholarship, the Class of 1999, Kristen J. Field STEM Scholarship, given in honor of Kristen J. Field, graduate of Queensbury High School, Class of 1999. She and the entire Field family have been supporters of both the Queensbury School and the Queensbury community for many years. During her time at Queensbury, Kristen was involved in many clubs and activities, including founding member and Treasurer of the first chapter of SADD at QHS. She was also a very active member of NHS, Key Club, Art Club, and Editor of the QHS yearbook. She loved being a part of both the choir and the orchestra, singing and playing viola. It was at Queensbury that Kristen began her passion for a variety of STEM subjects, including all sciences, math, and technology. She has an ongoing interest in all of these areas and, in particular, with the field of neuroscience. Both Kristen and the Field family wish to encourage other women to pursue careers in STEM and to support those that give of themselves to make a difference in the world. This scholarship is intended to go to someone who truly wants to leave the world a better place than when they found it through their hard work, passion for making a difference, and kindness to others. The award winners were Allison Dittrich and Sarah Johnson.
Sarah was a Varsity athlete in both Volleyball and Lacrosse as well as a volunteer coach. As a dedicated member of the Orchestra, she played the violin, served as the Vice Chair, Treasurer, and was a member of the Music Honor Society. Sarah participated in the Teen Awareness Group, NHS, and the Spanish Honor Society. She plans to study Neuroscience on a pre-med track at the University of Vermont. The QCSA wishes you the very best in your pursuits!
Julian Campopiano
Jonathan Joyce Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2022, the Jonathan Cary Joyce Memorial Scholarship is given by the QHS Class of 1991 in honor of their classmate who tragically lost his life in a car accident in February of his junior year. Jonathan’s life was full of care and compassion for his fellow classmates and so many others. He loved the musical arts and excelled at playing the clarinet and the piano. He also had a deep interest in computers, and loved competing as a member of the cross country running and ski teams. His father, Richard Joyce (RJ), served as an admired faculty member at QHS for over 30 years and also held a special bond with the Class of 1991 as one of their advisors. Jane LaBombard and Nicole (Kippert) Stehlé, from the class of 1991, presented the Jonathan Cary Joyce Memorial Scholarship this year, to Julian Campopiano.
Julian has valued his time as a Queensbury athlete and co-captain of the Cross Country Running, Nordic Skiing, and Track & Field (Distance) teams. Boy Scouts also played prominently in his life, giving him opportunities “to work hard and teach others” and also “how to persevere to achieve my goals.” The chance to explore classes in Architecture, Engineering, and Art at QHS, as well as an internship opportunity at AJA Architecture and Planning firm, have helped Julian discover his interest in Architecture as a future career. The QCSA wishes you the very best as you continue your studies at Trinity College this fall!
Kristin McDermott
Adam Sweeney Memorial Scholarship
The Adam Sweeney Memorial Scholarship was established in 2022 by his teacher, Lisa Higley, after his sudden passing in December 2021. Anyone who knew Adam Sweeney knew him for his humor, his smile, his laugh, and his overall loving nature. Adam radiated warmth, happiness, and love into so many lives throughout his short 18 years with us. Adam loved spending time with his family, watching wrestling, rooting for the Dallas Cowboys, and attending car races. Adam was a member of Best Buddies and loved playing unified basketball with his classmates. School was one of Adam’s favorite places. Adam would have gone to school 7 days a week just to spend time with all his friends and teachers. Adam loved learning new things, sharing his ideas with individuals he cared about, and meeting new people. It was through these desires that molded and encompassed Adam’s identity – passion, love, care, and genuine happiness. These traits, which Adam so vividly embodied, will ensure that Adam’s memory and legacy will live on. This scholarship celebrates a Queensbury Spartan, who encapsulates a true love of life, and possesses a kind and open heart, much like that of Adam. This year’s recipient of the Adam Sweeney Memorial Scholarship was Kristin McDermott.
Kristin was a dedicated member of Best Buddies, serving as Treasurer for two years and as Vice President since last spring. She cherished the friendships she formed while working closely with students with special needs to foster a positive and inclusive environment. Kristin also loved her time with the girls’ Varsity Swim Team, from the challenging practices to the team dinners throughout the season. Additionally, she enjoyed exploring French culture through her involvement in the French Club and the French Honor Society, where she served as President. This fall, Kristin will begin her studies in Communication and Media Production at Villanova University. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Kacey Hall
John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship
The John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship award was initially established in 2001 in memory of Tina Dwyer by her husband, John. In 2016, John Dwyer passed away and the scholarship was amended by the Dwyer children to include their father. The Dwyer family have always been strong supporters of the Queensbury School District and the Queensbury School Soccer Program. John served with the Queensbury Board of Education, Dollars for Scholars, Senior Citizens, and many area youth soccer organizations. The John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship was awarded this year to Kacey Hall and Ethan Moger.
Kacey says she will never forget the many experiences she had and the friends she made over her four years as a member of the Soccer Team. Since the 10th grade, Kacey has enjoyed the role of VP of the class of 2024, organizing dances and overseeing fundraisers. She found the service opportunities through NHS and Key Club very rewarding. Kacey has always enjoyed animals, visiting aquariums and zoos as a young child, and learning about animal conservation. She plans to study Marine Biology as she begins her studies this fall at University of Tampa. The QCSA wishes you the best at college!
Ethan Moger
John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship
The John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship award was initially established in 2001 in memory of Tina Dwyer by her husband, John. In 2016, John Dwyer passed away and the scholarship was amended by the Dwyer children to include their father. The Dwyer family have always been strong supporters of the Queensbury School District and the Queensbury School Soccer Program. John served with the Queensbury Board of Education, Dollars for Scholars, Senior Citizens, and many area youth soccer organizations. The John and Tina Dwyer Family Memorial Scholarship was awarded this year to Kacey Hall and Ethan Moger.
Ethan was a co-founder of the Adirondack Solar Alliance, a not-for-profit organization which raised over $70,000 and funded trips to Puerto Rico to install solar panels on in-need establishments. He was the starting center midfielder and Captain of the Soccer team, taking pride in the team’s successes, winning the league title his Junior year, and placing second his Senior year. Ethan wrote his IB Extended Essay on NASA and the Space Race, sharing that “airplanes, flight, and rocket propulsion have been my main points of interest.” This fall, he will begin his studies at Cornell University in Mechanical Engineering, leading potentially to a degree in Aerospace Engineering. The QCSA wishes you the best at college!
Holly Pizzigati
Patrick R. Eppedico Memorial Scholarship
The Patrick R. Eppedico Memorial Scholarship was established by his wife, Ann, who worked in the Queensbury High School Attendance Office for several years. Patrick Eppedico moved to Queensbury following his retirement as a New York City Police Officer. His daughter and son-in-law, Patricia and James Cirillo, have been music educators in our district for many years. This year’s recipient of the Patrick R. Eppedico Memorial Scholarship was Holly Pizzigati.
Holly enjoyed volunteering her time with Big Brothers Big Sisters. She was dedicated to Music Theater at QHS, participating in the Musical every year, performing with the highly selective a capella group, the Madrigals, and was a valuable member of the Concert Choir. Holly was also a fan of the Spanish Program, where she participated in the Spanish National Honor Society, tutored younger students, and received the Student of the quarter for Spanish, which was awarded for her commitment to excellence. Holly plans to study Psychology at SUNY Cortland this fall and is considering a career in Criminal Justice. The QCSA wishes you the very best!
Madelyn Clark
Grace Foote Memorial Scholarship
Grace Foote, Class of 1999, graduated from Queensbury High School one year early in spite of debilitating medical issues. The memorial scholarship that bears her name was established by faculty members to honor a senior with strong character who demonstrates courage in the face of adversity. This year’s recipients of the Grace Foote Memorial Scholarship went to Madelyn Clark and Eliana Cruikshank.
Madelyn was a 3 year volunteer for the annual QCSA Phone-a-thon, helping to raise more than $60,000 during that time. Through Big Brothers Big Sisters, Madelyn met with her “little” each week, engaging in activities, helping with homework, and truly making a difference in her “little’s” life. She enjoyed her time volunteering with an out-of-school organization called Building on Love. It was an internship at our local hospital that helped to guide Madelyn towards a career in Nuclear Medicine Technology. She will begin her studies at the University at Buffalo this fall and hopes to have a career helping others. Best wishes to you from the QCSA!
Elliana Cruikshank
Grace Foote Memorial Scholarship
Grace Foote, Class of 1999, graduated from Queensbury High School one year early in spite of debilitating medical issues. The memorial scholarship that bears her name was established by faculty members to honor a senior with strong character who demonstrates courage in the face of adversity. This year’s recipients of the Grace Foote Memorial Scholarship went to Madelyn Clark and Eliana Cruikshank.
When asked what her most valuable activities were in high school, Elliana said they were the times she spent running alongside her teammates in Volleyball or Track & Field. “To share camaraderie with others, where supporting each other takes priority over competition, will forever stay with me.” She was also proud to have worked with other female athletes at the QHS Weight Room through the Queensbury Parks and Recreation Summer Program. She challenged herself by taking on the full IB program because, “I know my future University experiences will be full of the unfamiliar, and I wanted to get warmed up by taking on the rigor of the IB college level program through Queensbury High School.” Elliana was accepted into the Biology/Doctorate Physical Therapy major at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where she will begin her studies this fall. Best wishes to you from the QCSA!
Amy Winchell
Robert Gannon Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in loving memory of Robert Gannon, a prominent member of the Greenwich community who passed away in November 2022. Robert was a man of strong character and incredible work ethic, with an innate love of family. A devoted husband, father, and grandfather, Bob was the heart of his family and the community, always offering his expertise and a helping hand. After years of working as an apprentice contractor for his father, he later took over the business, building, restoring, and maintaining hundreds of homes, churches, and businesses in the region. He continued this work into the summer right before he passed away. He was an avid hunter and birdwatcher and loved to take long Adirondack journeys on his motorcycle. Robert’s truest joy was his three grandchildren, all students at Queensbury High School. This scholarship honors a hardworking student pursuing a career in healthcare. The Robert Gannon Memorial Scholarship was awarded this year to Amy Winchell.
Amy enjoyed the opportunities to make a difference in her community through the varied volunteer experiences as a member of NHS and the Teen Advocacy Group, where she fulfilled the role of Secretary for both organizations. She was proud of winning a PSA on local radio promoting the safety and well-being of teenagers. Amy has also volunteered at a local Nursing Home and tutored 4th graders in French. She aspires to become a Physician’s Assistant “to influence the good health and well-being of others.” She will begin her studies at Saint Michael’s College in the area of Healthcare/Health Sciences. Best wishes to you, Amy, from the QCSA!!
Demetria Hendry
Raymond G. Gordon Memorial Scholarship
Raymond Gordon graduated in 1964 from the Whitehall Central School and continued his education at Adirondack Community College and Castleton State College. He taught for 33 years at the Fort Ann Central School as the business and marketing educator. Ray served our district for 28 years on the Queensbury Board of Education, five years of which, he served as board president. He helped establish policies, set educational goals, evaluate programs, and develop budgets for Queensbury schools. Throughout his tenure, Ray remained a tireless advocate for students, and received numerous awards from the New York State School Boards of Education Association for leadership. This year’s Raymond G. Gordon Memorial Scholarship went to Demetria Hendry and Alessia Simone.
Demetria is an active member of three Honor Societies, the NHS, the French Honor Society and the Tri-M Music Honor Society, which recognizes students’ passion for music. As a violist, she has had many opportunities to perform on stage through the Chamber Orchestra at school, as well as at local venues like The Wood Theater, The Glens Falls Symphony, and The Strand. She is proud to have received the Student Spot Light Award for French two years in a row. Demetria was inspired this year by the course she took, SUNY Financial Accounting. She will further her studies of Accounting this fall at SUNY New Paltz, where she plans to deepen her skills in “communication, motivation, leadership, and problem solving” to one day be CFO of an organization. Best of luck to you Demetria!
Alessia Simone
Raymond G. Gordon Memorial Scholarship
Raymond Gordon graduated in 1964 from the Whitehall Central School and continued his education at Adirondack Community College and Castleton State College. He taught for 33 years at the Fort Ann Central School as the business and marketing educator. Ray served our district for 28 years on the Queensbury Board of Education, five years of which, he served as board president. He helped establish policies, set educational goals, evaluate programs, and develop budgets for Queensbury schools. Throughout his tenure, Ray remained a tireless advocate for students, and received numerous awards from the New York State School Boards of Education Association for leadership. This year’s Raymond G. Gordon Memorial Scholarship went to Demetria Hendry and Alessia Simone.
Alessia loved being a teammate and two season Captain of the Varsity Field Hockey team and was proudly selected for the First Team All Stars in Section 2. She also valued her various jobs in local restaurants and babysitting, which she adds, “helped me become more responsible and helped me manage my money while saving up for college,” including the management of her own stock account. Alessia adds that, as an active church member, she has “become involved in her community more and enjoys providing service to others.” This fall, Alessia will begin her studies in Finance at the University of Tennessee. She hopes to get involved in private equity in the future.The QCSA wishes you the very best!
Camryn Ferone
Sara Gryga Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Gryga was a member of the Class of 2005 and passed away the summer following her high school graduation after a long, courageous battle with cancer. She was a devoted member of the Yearbook Editorial Staff and loved to write. This year’s recipient of the Sarah Gryga Memorial Scholarship is Camryn Ferone.
Camryn’s most valuable experience at QHS was as a member of the Madrigals. “This group has given me the most incredible opportunities throughout my high school years and helped me grow as a person.” She also benefited greatly by having a “little” through the Big Brothers Big Sisters and learned “how important a role model to someone can be.” Similarly, Key Club provided valuable lessons in community service. Camryn had earlier experiences that have guided her towards a career in Nursing. She will begin her studies at the University of Rhode Island and plans “to dedicate the rest of my life to helping others and making sure they get to go home to their families.” Best wishes to you from the QCSA!
Jacob Fanciullo
The Hall Family Entreprenueur Scholarship
The Hall Family has operated the local apparel company, Hallwear, for over 20 years, focusing on providing superior customer service with quality products for many sports teams, schools, organizations, and companies. The Hall Family, including its patriarch, Dan Hall Sr., a Class of 1968 Queensbury graduate, has always felt the need to give back to the community that has supported Hallwear throughout the years. This scholarship provides an opportunity to offer a small token of the family’s sincere appreciation. This year’s Hall Family Entrepreneur Scholarship was awarded to Jacob Fanciullo.
Jacob loved his four years performing with the Madrigals, noting one of his most valuable experiences was traveling with the group to France. His CAS Project, a requirement of the IB program, was a 1 month food drive, using all available resources, including communication apps, to spread awareness, ultimately accumulating enough food donations to fill a Chevy Tahoe for the Open Door Mission. “We dropped off the goods, and the surprise on the staff’s faces changed my life forever, as it strengthened my commitment to helping people.” Jacob acquired an entrepreneurial spirit from observing his parents tackle the ins and outs of owning their own businesses. He will be studying Business Management at Bentley University this fall. Best wishes to you, Jacob, from the QCSA!
Kaitlyn Barton
Dr. Jack V. Irion Memorial Scholarship
The Dr. Jack V. Irion Memorial Scholarship was established by the Irion family as well as members of the school community to recognize Dr. Irion’s 20 years of service as the second Superintendent of the Queensbury School District. He was a fan of all Queensbury sports programs and held the students as his highest priority. This year’s recipient of the Dr. Jack V. Irion Memorial Scholarship is Kaitlyn Barton.
Kaitlyn was a 4 year Varsity Lacrosse player and Captain of the team in both her Junior and Senior Years. She was also a highly skilled and dedicated Field Hockey and Basketball player. As a three year officer for Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Kaitlyn gathered the skills of “organization, communication, and entrepreneurship.” Kaitlyn volunteers her time through student government, NHS, coaching young athletes, and many other areas, but she has been most inspired by the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk in Glens Falls, which she adds, “brings out my passion for helping those in need.” Kaitlyn aspires to have a career in the medical field “in order to help people and advance health around the world.” She will begin her studies towards a degree in Biomedical Engineering at Boston University, where she has also committed to play Lacrosse. Best wishes to you, Kaitlyn, from all of us at the QCSA!
Dr. Jack V. Irion Memorial Scholarship
The Dr. Jack V. Irion Memorial Scholarship was established by the Irion family as well as members of the school community to recognize Dr. Irion’s 20 years of service as the second Superintendent of the Queensbury School District. He was a fan of all Queensbury sports programs and held the students as his highest priority. The QCSA would like to wish the very best to this year’s award recipients Kendra Ballard and Allie Johnston
Sergeant Ted B. Islas Memorial Scholarship
Sergeant Islas began his 23-year career with the New York State Police in March of 1989. He served in the Watertown and Canton areas as a Trooper before obtaining the rank of Sergeant in 1996. Throughout his tenure, Sergeant Islas was the Malone Station Commander, a counselor at the New York State Police Academy, the Troop B Fitness Coordinator, and finished his career at the Forensic Investigation Center in Albany. Physical fitness and various outdoor activities were very important to him, but he was also known for his kindness, fairness, honesty, and love for his family. This year’s recipient of the Sergeant Ted B. Islas Memorial Scholarship is Laura Dickerson.
Laura excelled in Ice Hockey, Diving, and Lacrosse. She was most proud of being a founding player of Queensbury’s first-ever girls ice hockey team, The United. She believes “sports has helped mold me into a well-rounded individual by not only helping me grow athletically and physically, but also helping me build the confidence that spills over into other areas of my life.” Laura enjoyed the opportunity as a group leader during a robotic-themed day at QES to teach the students a new skill and was very proud to see them become more confident in their abilities. This fall, Laura will be attending St Michael’s College in Vermont with plans to study Criminology and Psychology. She is considering becoming a Forensic Psychologist. The QCSA wishes you the very best!
Bryce Jorgensen
Daniel Kane Memorial Scholarship
The Daniel Kane Memorial was established after Dan lost his battle to cancer. He is remembered for his many contributions to the Queensbury Community. After a 21 year career with the Warren County Planning Department, Dan, QHS Class of 1972, returned to teach high school social studies for 15 years. He wore many hats and touched the lives of many students as an advisor for Youth and Government and Mock Trial, a geography professor at SUNY Adirondack, a high school basketball referee, and an off-ice hockey official. He maintained positions on the boards of the YMCA, Adirondack Mountain Club, and ADK 46ers. He was also a summit steward in the High Peaks, a member of the Lower Adirondack Search & Rescue Team, affiliated with Therapy Dogs International with his dog Marcy, as well as a security guard at SPAC. We could all learn from one of Dan’s favorite quotes by Grace Hudowalski, the ninth 46er and first woman to summit all 46 High Peaks, who said, “It is not important whether you make the summit; it is important how you make the climb.” The Dan Kane Memorial was awarded this year to Bryce Jorgensen.
Bryce has always had a deep love of the outdoors, which began as early as 2014 when he became an Adirondack 46er with his father at the age of 8. Bryce co-founded and served as President of the Adirondack Solar Alliance, an organization that raised more than $40,000. Along with 13 other students, Bryce traveled to Puerto Rico to install solar panels in an energy-struggling community, making them more resilient to power outages. Reflecting on his time at QHS, Bryce shared that his most valued experience was as a Varsity Soccer player, where he “learned many life lessons.” He also cherished the volunteer events he participated in, such as coaching skiing for Double H and soccer for young athletes. This fall, Bryce plans to study Environmental Engineering at the University of Vermont. Bryce, the QCSA wishes you the very best with your future pursuits!
Lindsey Pepe
William J. Lansiedel Memorial Scholarship
Bill Landsiedel taught chemistry for several years and served as a High School Counselor for Queensbury for over thirty years, where he touched the lives of many young people. He was an active member and one of the original founders of the Adirondack School Counselors’ Association. Upon retirement, he was often greeted by former students, who he called his “kids”, all of whom he carried fondly in his heart. The William J. Lansiedel Memorial Scholarship was established after his passing in February 2008. This year’s recipient of the William J. Lansiedel Memorial Scholarship is Lindsey Pepe.
Lindsey has enjoyed helping others by sharing her talents with area youth through coaching softball, baseball, and tennis, as well as tutoring students in French, Math, and Orchestra. Lindsey also served as Vice President and a devoted member of the Teen Advocacy Group, bringing awareness and opportunities that promote healthy behaviors among students. Music played a prominent role in Lindsey’s high school career and she held the seat of 1st chair for the violin section from grades 9-12.This fall, Lindsey will continue her studies at Dartmouth College, intending to study Chemistry. She hopes “to become a medical scientist to advance our medical knowledge and treatments for diseases.” The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future endeavors!
William J. Lansiedel Memorial Scholarship
Bill Landsiedel taught chemistry for several years and served as a High School Counselor for Queensbury for over thirty years, where he touched the lives of many young people. He was an active member and one of the original founders of the Adirondack Counselors’ Association. Upon retirement, he was often greeted by former students, who he called his “kids”, all of whom he carried fondly in his heart. The William J. Lansiedel Memorial Scholarship was established after his passing in February 2008. This year’s recipients of the Memorial Scholarship are Joseph Sumner and Isabella Wrobleski.
Asked what her fondest activities were in school, Isabella did not hesitate to put Quiz Bowl as her favorite and added that, “being a member of the Quiz Bowl team taught me to do what makes me happy.” She continued, “There are not many members of our team and it is definitely not the most popular club, but I have a lot of fun with it.” Isabella also has a passion for music, having played viola since the 5th grade, picking up violin in 7th grade, and performing in many groups, including the QHS Sinfonietta Orchestra, QHS Chamber Orchestra, Saratoga Youth Symphony Orchestra, Area-All State Orchestra, and the QHS Pit Orchestra. Isabella was President of the National Honor Society and enjoyed the NHS service opportunities. She will continue her studies at NYU this fall with plans to study Mathematics. The QCSA wishes you both the very best!
Molly Rodewald
Nathan Alan Linck Memorial Scholarship
Nathan Linck, the son of Alan and Penny Linck, was a 1994 QHS graduate who passed away after a long illness. While at Queensbury, Nate was known among his peers for his outgoing and fun-loving personality. Nathan was a member of NHS and the Queensbury cross-country ski team. He went on to continue his studies at St. Lawrence University and was very interested in Environmental Studies. Nathan’s father, Alan, was a health and science teacher, as well as a coach at the Queensbury Middle School for many years. This year’s recipient of the Nathan Alan Linck Memorial Scholarship was Molly Rodewald.
Molly has been deeply involved in Best Buddies, serving as Secretary for two years and as President in her Senior Year. Reflecting on her experience, Molly said, “Best Buddies allowed me to create close friendships with a wide variety of students and enabled me to witness how my school community works together to help others.” In addition to her work with Best Buddies, Molly was influential in the Climate Action Club as President, where she increased student awareness of climate-friendly school policies. This year, she focused on reducing food waste and prepared to set up tables in the cafeteria for students to leave unwanted food for others to enjoy. Molly also excelled in athletics, serving as Captain of both the Cross Country Running and Cross Country Skiing teams in 2023-2024. This Fall, she will be attending Saint Lawrence University to study Environmental Studies and Public Policy. She aspires to “have the ability to help formulate better laws and regulations to protect the earth, in turn playing a role in larger decision-making processes.” Best wishes to you, Molly, from everyone at the QCSA!
Jack Murray
Dr. Lomanto Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Donald Lomanto, whose tenure as Superintendent of the Queensbury Union Free School District ended much too soon in 2001 due to cancer, was celebrated for his positive outlook, outgoing demeanor, quick wit, impeccable integrity, and visionary leadership. In his loving memory and honor, our community initiated the Dr. Donald Lomanto Memorial Scholarship. The 2024 Dr. Donald Lomanto Memorial Scholarship went to Jack Murray and Johanna Troelstra.
Jack highly valued his four years in Project Lead the Way courses, where he gained essential engineering skills. His experience culminated in a project during his junior year, where he and his team “fundraised, planned, and executed a trip to Puerto Rico.” The goal was to install solar panels in a small community, supporting their aspiration to become a solar community and enhancing their resilience to power outages. Jack also joined the tennis team in his sophomore year, where he enjoyed “the camaraderie of the team reinforced by coach Fraser.” This experience brought a new passion to his life that he will carry forward. Jack will continue his studies at the University of Vermont this fall, aspiring to a career in Engineering. The QCSA wishes you much success!
Johanna Troelstra
Dr. Lomanto Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Donald Lomanto, whose tenure as Superintendent of the Queensbury Union Free School District ended much too soon in 2001 due to cancer, was celebrated for his positive outlook, outgoing demeanor, quick wit, impeccable integrity, and visionary leadership. In his loving memory and honor, our community initiated the Dr. Donald Lomanto Memorial Scholarship. The 2024 Dr. Donald Lomanto Memorial Scholarship went to Jack Murray and Johanna Troelstra.
Johanna joined the tennis team in her sophomore year with little experience and quickly advanced, “growing both my athleticism and my leadership skills.” By her junior year, she had progressed from exhibition level to 5th seed and became Captain. As a member of the Unified Basketball team, Johanna “learned the impact of team-building, community outreach, and the joy that stems from helping others.” This fall, she will begin her studies in Biology and Society at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. Johanna aspires to a career in Medicine, stating, “It is my dream to influence many lives in a positive, life-changing way!” The QCSA wishes you much success!
Katie Jabaut
Nino Manzella Memorial Scholarship
Nino Manzella was passionately involved in Queensbury’s Cross Country Running and Nordic Ski Programs at the parent level. As a spirited enthusiast for both sports, Nino deeply supported the individual athlete at all levels, and each program as a whole. Nino embraced the principles of hard work, team unity, optimism, and positive loyalty in all aspects of his life, and, thus, honored athletes who also demonstrated and embodied these same attributes for daily living. This year’s recipient of the Nino Manzella Memorial Scholarship was Katie Jabaut.
One of the highlights of Katie’s time at QHS was her five years as a member of the Nordic Ski Team. She fondly remembers the time spent outdoors, with twice-weekly rollerblade sessions during the off-season and practices six days a week during the regular season, helping to form a “tight-knit” group of friends. Katie served as Secretary for both the Spanish Honor Society and the Botany Club. She was proud to raise over $1,000 in the annual plant sale, which was donated to the Jonathan Joyce Memorial Fund. Katie plans to continue her studies in Spanish, while majoring in Biology, as she begins her studies at Colgate University this fall, aspiring to become a Veterinarian. Best wishes to you, Katie, from all of us at the QCSA!
Emma Sullivan
Roger Marcy Memorial Scholarship
Roger Marcy was a teacher and administrator at Queensbury High School for 35 years. He began his career in the district as an English teacher in 1962, served as the Assistant Principal starting in 1974, and became the Principal in 1990. Following his retirement in 1998, he continued to serve his community as a Queensbury Board of Education member, as well as serving three years as Principal at St. Mary’s/St. Alphonsus Regional Catholic School in Glens Falls, and, later, at a private parochial school in the state of Utah. This year’s recipient of the Roger Marcy Memorial Scholarship is Emma Sullivan.
Emma shared that her membership in NHS “has shown me the importance of helping others in my community through countless community service opportunities that not only get us active in our community, but also allow us to see the incredible impact that we can have on others.” She valued her job at Target, where she learned that patience and hard work really pay off. Emma earned her black belt in Tae Kwon Do, has competed in several tournaments, and strives to embody the five pillars of Tae Kwon Do in her daily life: “courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit.” This fall, she will begin her studies at Union College, where she hopes to explore Spanish, Math, and Psychology. The QCSA wishes you a bright future!
Sedona Jones
Claire McIntyre Memorial Scholarship
Claire McInytre served the Queensbury School District over several decades. Claire was the administrative secretary to both William H. Barton and Dr. Jack V. Irion, the district’s first and second Superintendents, respectively. She was a very dedicated employee, who always maintained a vibrant sense of humor and the ability to help new district staff members feel welcome and at home. The Claire McIntyre Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Sedona Jones and Taygen Smith.
Sedona was an active member of the Teen Advocacy Group, where she collaborated to make the community a safer and more positive environment, winning “best video” in her junior year for advocating against destructive driving. She served as Secretary for the French Honor Society and enjoyed tutoring underclassmen, helping them prepare for their French midterms. As a valuable athlete on the Softball, Basketball, and Tennis teams, Sedona also found joy in coaching young athletes. This fall, she will begin her studies in Health Sciences at Bryant University, preparing to become a Physician Assistant. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Taygen Smith
Claire McIntyre Memorial Scholarship
Claire McInytre served the Queensbury School District over several decades. Claire was the administrative secretary to both William H. Barton and Dr. Jack V. Irion, the district’s first and second Superintendents, respectively. She was a very dedicated employee, who always maintained a vibrant sense of humor and the ability to help new district staff members feel welcome and at home. The Claire McIntyre Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Sedona Jones and Taygen Smith.
Taygen learned the value of being a teammate as a four-year member and Captain of the Varsity Cheerleading Team and took pride in helping to raise money for Power of Pink. She was grateful to be chosen for the Early Childhood BOCES program and for an internship at Queensbury Elementary School, where her BOCES teacher, Mrs. Britt, inspired her to pursue a career in Childhood Education. “Mrs. Britt was a good role model. She teaches us about being professional and how to provide a safe and positive environment for the kids.” Taygen has also worked part-time in a preschool setting. This fall, she will begin her studies in Childhood Education at SUNY Adirondack. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Maximus Anderson
Malcolm McIntyre Memorial Scholarship
Malcolm McIntyre was a highly regarded member of the Queensbury Middle School Faculty, who served primarily in grade six. The scholarship was established by his wife, Claire, who served many years as secretary to the District Superintendent of Schools, for a student looking to make a difference in the lives of others by pursuing a degree in teaching. The recipients of this year’s Malcolm McIntyre Memorial Scholarship are Maximus Anderson and Britney Hughes.
Max enjoyed the academic challenges presented in the IB program at QHS and through Project Lead the Way. He valued his time on the tennis court and as a member of the Captains Club. Max also gained valuable interpersonal skills as a Hannaford employee and through working with the community. His greatest love is Physics, and he will begin his studies at the University at Albany, hoping to become a Physics teacher. Best wishes from the QCSA!
Britney Hughes
Malcolm McIntyre Memorial Scholarship
Malcolm McIntyre was a highly regarded member of the Queensbury Middle School Faculty, who served primarily in grade six. The scholarship was established by his wife, Claire, who served many years as secretary to the District Superintendent of Schools, for a student looking to make a difference in the lives of others by pursuing a degree in teaching. The recipients of this year’s Malcolm McIntyre Memorial Scholarship are Maximus Anderson and Britney Hughes.
Peter Thatcher
Cody Miller Memorial Scholarship
Cody Miller was a member of the Class of 2010. He was a bright and witty young man who possessed a strong character. He enjoyed his friends and family. The Cody Miller Scholarship was established to honor his memory and the family is proud to recognize and reward recipients for their character and achievement. The recipient of the Cody Miller Memorial Scholarship was Peter Thatcher
Peter has been an aspiring baseball player ever since he could hold a glove. He always looked up to the older athletes and finally felt like he made it as a Varsity Baseball player at QHS, valuing the deep friendships made on the team. Equally, Peter valued his experiences as a trumpet player in the band, connecting with others in a unique way and feeling accomplishment after learning a new piece of music. Key Club volunteer opportunities also brought a sense of connection and community by serving others and Peter hopes to continue his role in service. This Fall, SUNY Oneonta will be Peter’s new home, where he will begin his studies in Meteorology. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Ryan Allen
Jeffry Morrison Memorial Scholarship
The Jeffry Morrison scholarship was established by his family in 1999, the year Jeffry would have graduated. While a student at Queensbury Middle School, Jeffry died tragically in a bicycle accident. Jeffry’s favorite sport was baseball. This year’s recipient of the Jeffry Morrison Memorial Scholarship was Ryan Allen,
Ryan was honored as a Scholar Athlete by the NYS Section 2 Athletics Committee and took on leadership roles as Captain for both the Field Hockey and Softball teams. Her commitment to excellence extended beyond sports, as she actively participated in volunteer activities through the National Honor Society. Ryan also dedicated her time to the Teen Advocacy Group, where she focused on educating and encouraging her peers to make positive health and safety choices. This fall, Ryan will begin her studies in Environmental Science at Coastal Carolina University. She aims to deepen her understanding of ecosystems, conservation, and climate change, with the goal of applying this knowledge in her future career. Everyone at the QCSA wishes you the very best!
Avery Magree
Henry D. Olson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in January 2020 by the family and friends of Henry D. Olson. A Queensbury High School graduate from the Class of 2016, Henry was pursuing a degree in Automotive Technology at the time of his passing. He is fondly remembered for his infectious smile that could light up any room, his kindness, thoughtfulness, and great sense of humor. Henry had a deep passion for theater, performing in three annual school musicals. This passion for theater also found him on the stage of the Hudson River Shakespeare Company, the SUNY Adirondack Theater Program, and the Lake Theater at the Holiday Inn in Lake George. His many other passions included history, camping, cats, video games, Jeeps, the Washington Capitals, the New York Jets, and being with his family. This year’s Henry D. Olson Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Avery Magee.
Avery expressed deep gratitude to the Music Department for its supportive and encouraging environment, which allowed her to develop her musical talents. Through music, she participated in community outreach performances, inspired young students to engage in music, and shared her passion with the community. Avery also distinguished herself as the Editor-In-Chief of the Spartan Scoop, where she experimented with new writing styles and had the privilege of interviewing staff members and advocating for positive changes within the school. One of her most valued experiences was the collaborative work in the “interconnected sharing of photography” among the Communications Department, the Athletic Department, and the Yearbook Committee. This opportunity to work with administrators, capture moments, and document Queensbury’s history has inspired Avery to pursue a career in Visual Communications, focusing on Photography and Graphic Design. She will begin her studies at Syracuse University this fall. Everyone at the QCSA wishes her the very best!
Bayley Duffy
Llyod L. Mott Jr Memorial Scholarship
Maxwell LaFarr
Mark Orlosky Memorial Scholarship
Mark Orlosky was a well-known local musician who passed away in 2018. He played the keyboard, guitar, and had a passion for songwriting. In addition to performing regionally, Mark worked with his son, Brandon, designing sound systems for other musical performance groups and bands. This scholarship is intended to assist a student who has a passion for music and is pursuing further education in either vocal or instrumental performance, music education, music therapy, production, or song writing. This year’s Mark Orlosky Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Maxwell LaFarr.
Maxwell was an invaluable member of the Jazz Band as a guitarist and frequently served as a session musician for many Queensbury musical groups. He was particularly honored to participate in tributes to the music of Roy Orbison and the James Bond films. This fall, Maxwell will continue his studies at SUNY Adirondack, focusing on Audio Production. He hopes to develop the skills necessary for a successful career in producing music for both himself and others. All of us at the QCSA wish you the very best, Maxwell!
Mark Orlosky Memorial Scholarship
Mark Orlosky was a well-known local musician who passed away in 2018. He played the keyboard, guitar, and had a passion for songwriting. In addition to performing regionally, Mark worked with his son, Brandon, designing sound systems for other musical performance groups and bands. This year, the Mark Orlosky Memorial Scholarship was presented to Kindel Huffaker.
Kindle has participated in music in Queensbury since the 3rd grade, when she joined the chorus. While watching her older brother perform with the Madrigals, she aspired to become a member. She was thrilled to be selected to the group in 10th grade, which happened to be at the peak of the pandemic. Even with all of the masking and social distancing, her time with the group was “phenomenal.” She attributes her confidence as a musician to this group, values the lasting friendships she made with her peers, and adds, “I am fluent in the universal language of music and have fulfilled my wish of sharing it with the world.” Kindel will begin her studies this fall at Brigham Young University in Utah, where she plans to explore Childhood Education, Music Education, or Nursing. The QCSA wishes you the very best!
Abigail Nissinoff
Robert B. Patch Memorial Scholarship
Robert Patch served as the first Principal of Queensbury Middle School, leaving a lasting legacy in education. A WWII veteran, he was also an active member of the Queensbury Chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. For many years, he served as chairman the Boys’ State Selection Committee, where he was known for his leadership and strong sense of values. His contributions to both his country and the field of Education are fondly remembered. This year’s recipient of the Robert B. Patch Memorial Scholarship was Abigail Nissinoff.
Abigail was honored to be selected for the Educational Internship Program at QHS, where she had the valuable opportunity to shadow an Elementary School Teacher. She also cherished her experiences as a member of the National Honor Society and the National Art Honor Society. Abigail, the great-granddaughter of Robert Patch, attributes her love for children and the education system to his influence, even though she was only a baby when he passed away. She is determined to carry on his legacy by making the world a better place through education. This fall, Abigail will begin her studies at SUNY Plattsburgh, aspiring to become an Elementary Art Educator. Everyone at the QCSA wishes you the very best!
Sarah Turcotte
John Quirk Memorial Scholarship
John Quirk was a much loved and respected English Teacher and department chair at Queensbury High School for several decades. His humor, kindness, and talent endeared him to students and colleagues alike. An accomplished poet, Mr. Quirk’s works were published in, Three Adirondack Poets, among other publications of The Loft Press – a local literary magazine which he co-founded. He also served on the Board of Directors for the Crandall Library. Whenever he found a book he loved, he would often buy it, and share it with his many friends.This year’s recipient of the John Quirk Memorial Scholarship was Sarah Turcotte.
Shirley Roach Memorial Scholarship
Shirley Roach was a devoted employee of the Queensbury School District for over 50 years! She is best known for her positive attitude, her love of learning, her love for her job, and her dedication to the students. Mrs. Roach’s career began as a member of the cafeteria staff, before accepting a position in the K-6 office. In the 1960’s, she took over as head of the 3-4 office in the newly built elementary school and she finished her career at Queensbury as the middle school guidance secretary. Mrs. Roach touched the lives of multiple generations in our community. This year’s recipient of the Shirley Roach Memorial Scholarship is Kaliyah Davis.
Emma Maynard
Betty Rooke Memorial Scholarship
Betty Rooke was a member of the Queensbury High School faculty, who taught English, with a special interest in literature. Betty also served as the advisor for the school’s musical stage productions over many years. This year’s recipient of the Betty Rooke Memorial Dramatic Arts/English Scholarship was Emma Maynard.
Emma found great joy in the collaborative process of performing with the Madrigal Singers and in preparing music for special performances at nursing homes and benefit concerts. Being selected for the National Honor Society was a significant honor for Emma, and she valued the opportunities it provided to make a meaningful impact in her community. Through the Diversity Club, she appreciated the open discussions on ways to reduce discrimination. “I learned to speak up more confidently and was inspired to always maintain a positive and understanding attitude towards everyone,” Emma shared. This fall, she will begin her studies in Psychology at Endicott College. Everyone at QCSA wishes you the very best!
Alexander Smith
Lee Sanford Memorial Scholarship
Lee Sanford,QHS Class of 1996, was a financial planner and investment banker. He was employed for several years in Boston as a financial analyst. Lee was a competitive athlete, excelling in football. He was a great team player and modeled good sportsmanship. This year, the Lee Sanford Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Alexander Smith.
Alexander has always had a passion for fitness and sports, dedicating himself as an athlete to the Football and Track & Field programs. In addition, he gained valuable experience working part-time at both the Fun Spot and Great Escape, where he organized games and activities for children, helped customers, and served food. As Alexander embarks on his studies in Physical Education at Hudson Valley Community College this fall, he hopes to continue his involvement in fitness and working with young people. Best wishes to you, Alexander, from all of us at the QCSA!
Veronica Dennis
Willaim W. Stark Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the estate of William W. Stark, who passed away in March 2020, at the age of 90. Bill was a beloved and respected teacher in the English Department at Queensbury High School from 1979 until 1992. During his tenure, he earned admiration from students, colleagues, administration, and staff alike. A lifelong educator, Bill had a deep passion for literature and drama, and he was instrumental in introducing the AP English Program at QHS. Known as a “Renaissance Man,” Bill had a broad and profound knowledge that he generously shared with all who knew him.He will always be remembered for his love of a good story. Upon his retirement, he moved to Cape Cod and taught courses in the Lifelong Learning program for over 20 years. During his tenure at QHS, he was beloved and respected by his students and colleagues. This year, the William Stark Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Veronica Dennis.
Veronica expressed her gratitude for being selected for SUNY’s Early College Career Academy, where she focused on New Media. She cherished her experiences participating in the 2020 School Musical and the various performance opportunities as a member of the Madrigals. Veronica also appreciated the chance to work with a Middle School teacher and her class over the summer. This fall, she plans to continue her studies in New Media combined with Psychology at SUNY Adirondack. “Art and understanding human relationships have always been great interests of mine,” she shared. The QCSA wishes you the best!
Willaim W. Stark Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the estate of William W. Stark, who passed away in March 2020, at the age of 90. Bill taught in the English department of Queensbury High School from 1979 until 1992 and was responsible for the introduction of the AP English program. He will always be remembered for his love of a good story. Upon his retirement, he moved to Cape Cod and taught courses in the Lifelong Learning program for over 20 years. During his tenure at QHS, he was beloved and respected by his students and colleagues. This year’s recipients of the William W. Stark Memorial are Kamani DeAngelo and John Purcell. Best of luck to you both from the QCSA!! Please click open their photos to learn more about them.
John dedicated many hours of his time to Set/Scenery design for the High School Musical, often working on weekends and during recess hours at school. He also contributed through the National Art Honor Society by overseeing membership and organizing volunteer opportunities in the arts. John serves as Club President of the Gay-Straight Alliance, which is a student-led club for LGBTQ youth and allies in high school. John will be studying Art at Russell Sage College and adds, “I hope to become an artist who is able to move the public through my work.”
Mia Carusone
The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship
The Nicol/Stewart Family scholarship was set up in 2018 and is our largest, single monetary award to a student. During their time in Queensbury, education was very important to Wendy, Ron, and their three children who graduated from QHS. Wendy was a local pre-school teacher, nurse, and PTA member for many years. Ron was a valued member of the Queensbury School Board, PTSA, and current contributor to the SUNY Adirondack Foundation. Wendy and Ron are fair and kind members of our community, supporting Habitat for Humanity, SUNY Adirondack, and local businesses. The entire family acknowledges the positive impact that the Queensbury School District has had on their lives. This year’s honored recipients of the Nicol/Stewart Clan Memorial Scholarship are Mia Carusone, Xiao Ting Cheng Wu,Isabel Ferullo, Giavanna Ledbetter, and Drake Wendell. They will all be attending SUNY Adirondack this fall. Best of luck to you all from QCSA!
Mia enjoyed her time playing JV and Varsity Volleyball and volunteering with the Spartan Spikers Club, where she taught volleyball to 4th to 8th graders. She also greatly valued her SUNY Internship class and her part time job at Sprinkles. Mia hopes to one day become a nurse “because I would love to be able to help people in need.”
Xiao Ting Cheng Wu
The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship
The Nicol/Stewart Family scholarship was set up in 2018 and is our largest, single monetary award to a student. During their time in Queensbury, education was very important to Wendy, Ron, and their three children who graduated from QHS. Wendy was a local pre-school teacher, nurse, and PTA member for many years. Ron was a valued member of the Queensbury School Board, PTSA, and current contributor to the SUNY Adirondack Foundation. Wendy and Ron are fair and kind members of our community, supporting Habitat for Humanity, SUNY Adirondack, and local businesses. The entire family acknowledges the positive impact that the Queensbury School District has had on their lives. This year’s honored recipients of the Nicol/Stewart Clan Memorial Scholarship are Mia Carusone, Xiao Ting Cheng Wu,Isabel Ferullo, Giavanna Ledbetter, and Drake Wendell. They will all be attending SUNY Adirondack this fall. Best of luck to you all from QCSA!
Isabel Ferullo
The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship
The Nicol/Stewart Family scholarship was set up in 2018 and is our largest, single monetary award to a student. During their time in Queensbury, education was very important to Wendy, Ron, and their three children who graduated from QHS. Wendy was a local pre-school teacher, nurse, and PTA member for many years. Ron was a valued member of the Queensbury School Board, PTSA, and current contributor to the SUNY Adirondack Foundation. Wendy and Ron are fair and kind members of our community, supporting Habitat for Humanity, SUNY Adirondack, and local businesses. The entire family acknowledges the positive impact that the Queensbury School District has had on their lives. This year’s honored recipients of the Nicol/Stewart Clan Memorial Scholarship are Mia Carusone, Xiao Ting Cheng Wu,Isabel Ferullo, Giavanna Ledbetter, and Drake Wendell. They will all be attending SUNY Adirondack this fall. Best of luck to you all from QCSA!
Isabel was honored to be a member of Best Buddies “because not only did I notice a difference in myself, but I saw the positive impact it had on the kids that were involved.” She enjoyed her time on the Track & Field team as a shot putter and discus thrower. She is grateful for all of the travel opportunities and events she attended while playing the clarinet in the Band. Isabel will be studying IT Networking and Cybersecurity in the fall.
Giavanna Ledbetter
The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship
The Nicol/Stewart Family scholarship was set up in 2018 and is our largest, single monetary award to a student. During their time in Queensbury, education was very important to Wendy, Ron, and their three children who graduated from QHS. Wendy was a local pre-school teacher, nurse, and PTA member for many years. Ron was a valued member of the Queensbury School Board, PTSA, and current contributor to the SUNY Adirondack Foundation. Wendy and Ron are fair and kind members of our community, supporting Habitat for Humanity, SUNY Adirondack, and local businesses. The entire family acknowledges the positive impact that the Queensbury School District has had on their lives. This year’s honored recipients of the Nicol/Stewart Clan Memorial Scholarship are Mia Carusone, Xiao Ting Cheng Wu,Isabel Ferullo, Giavanna Ledbetter, and Drake Wendell. They will all be attending SUNY Adirondack this fall. Best of luck to you all from QCSA!
In her younger years, Giavanna had a lot of experience on stage as a dancer, actor, piano player, and singer through local venues. In high school, she participated in Chorus and played Percussion with the Band. She has enjoyed getting involved in the Climate Club, because it “brings awareness on how to prevent global warming and what we can do to make our world better.” She plans to study Substance Abuse Psychology, as she has “a passion to help people in need and be on their journey for recovery.”
Drake Wendell
The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship
The Nicol/Stewart Family scholarship was set up in 2018 and is our largest, single monetary award to a student. During their time in Queensbury, education was very important to Wendy, Ron, and their three children who graduated from QHS. Wendy was a local pre-school teacher, nurse, and PTA member for many years. Ron was a valued member of the Queensbury School Board, PTSA, and current contributor to the SUNY Adirondack Foundation. Wendy and Ron are fair and kind members of our community, supporting Habitat for Humanity, SUNY Adirondack, and local businesses. The entire family acknowledges the positive impact that the Queensbury School District has had on their lives. This year’s honored recipients of the Nicol/Stewart Clan Memorial Scholarship are Mia Carusone, Xiao Ting Cheng Wu,Isabel Ferullo, Giavanna Ledbetter, and Drake Wendell. They will all be attending SUNY Adirondack this fall. Best of luck to you all from QCSA!
When asked what his most valuable activities were at QHS, Drake was most appreciative of his SUNY Internship, the time he spent on the Queensbury Football fields, and his participation in the IB Music program. Through an Internship with a financial advisor, he developed an outside hobby of investing in stocks, options, and crypto currency. Drake intends to study Finance in college this fall.
The Nicol/Stewart Clan Family Scholarship
The Nicol/Stewart Family scholarship was set up in 2018 and is our largest, single monetary award to a student. During their time in Queensbury, education was very important to Wendy, Ron, and their three children who graduated from QHS. Wendy was a local pre-school teacher, nurse, and PTA member for many years. Ron was a valued member of the Queensbury School Board, PTSA, and current contributor to the SUNY Adirondack Foundation. Wendy and Ron are fair and kind members of our community, supporting Habitat for Humanity, SUNY Adirondack, and local businesses. The entire family acknowledges the positive impact that the Queensbury School District has had on their lives. This year’s recipients of the Nicol/Stewart Clan Memorial Scholarship are Robert Brown, Saniyah Clemente, Lacey Russell, Lillian Slattery, Alyson Webb, and Evan Wright. They will all be attending SUNY Adirondack this fall. Best of luck to you all from QCSA!
Evan Wright worked at the Queensbury Parks & Recreation throughout high school, doing landscaping and property maintenance at Gurney Lane park and trails, as well as other town/trail facilities. He is proud to have created a home gym during the pandemic that he and his brother used for training, saying “We set up workout plans” and enjoyed “the camaraderie of lifting and working out together and with a small group of friends during the pandemic.” He valued his experience with the SUNY Educational Internship that he did with the WHBI Gym Teachers last year. Evan will begin his studies at SUNY Adirondack this fall and hopes to become a Physical Education teacher “to inspire young students to be healthy and active” for a lifetime.
Claudia Calby
Kevin M. Sullivan Scholarship
At the beginning of last school year, Kevin Sullivan announced that after 36 years as a School Counselor and Cross Country Running Coach, he would be retiring from Queensbury Union Free School District. Kevin has been the scholarship chairperson of the QCSA for the last 10 years, selflessly dedicating his time to the committee that provides so many opportunities for our graduating Seniors. Kevin has been a pillar of strength, diligence, tenacity, wit, grit, and compassion to so many students, parents, faculty members, administrators, and athletes over his time here. To honor Mr. Sullivan and his work with close to 12,000 students, the board of the QCSA established an honorary scholarship this year in Kevin’s name, as a tribute to an incredible career and to honor everything he has stood for over the last 36 years. The winner of this year’s 2022 Honorary Kevin M. Sullivan Scholarship went to Claudia Calby.
Claudia was Captain of both the Girls Cross Country and Track Teams. She says she has “made countless memories and strong friendships with my teammates,” and adds, “I am very inspired by Coach Sullivan, who has mentored me for these past four years. His dedication to running is commendable and I hope to be as passionate about my future career and endeavors as he is to this sport.” In addition to athletics, Claudia enjoyed volunteering in her community through the Key Club at school, the Glens Falls Lions Club with her family, and as a member of TAG, Queensbury’s Teen Advocacy Group, where Claudia supported her school community, “promoting wellness and positive behavioral choices.” This semester, Claudia is attending the University of Vermont. She plans to pursue an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science and hopes to earn her doctorate in Physical Therapy, so that she may “one day help others to move more freely and with less pain as they heal from injuries or surgery.” The QCSA wishes you much success with your future Claudia!
Kathryn Gannon
Catherine Fleming Terry: Women in Stem Scholarship
Catherine Fleming Terry was the oldest of nine children of Irish immigrants. After high school, she left the family farm, enrolled in Albany State Teachers’ College, and lived with local families, doing housework for them in exchange for a place to live during her studies. She came to Queensbury High School after earning her Master’s degree, working here from approximately 1950 to 1982. She was a faculty advisor for several groups, including the National Honor Society. She believed that a good education was the path to self-sufficiency and independence. This year’s recipient of the Catherine Fleming Terry: Women in STEM Scholarship was Kathryn Gannon
Kathryn’s most rewarding experience in high school came from her time as a Field Hockey and Lacrosse player. “I’ve learned resilience, perseverance, sportsmanship, and how to be a true leader,” she reflected. Kathryn also deeply valued her musical experiences at Queensbury, where she played viola for both the Sinfonietta Orchestra and the Chamber Orchestra Ensemble, which instilled in her a lifelong appreciation for music and the performing arts. She felt fortunate to have had an internship with a local Physical Therapist, solidifying her interest in pursuing a career in the health field. This fall, Kathryn will continue her studies in Biology at the University of South Carolina. Everyone at the QCSA wishes you the very best in the coming year!
Dyllan Ray
James Wells Memorial Scholarship
Kyla McByrne
Al and Lee Wehlitz Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2014 by Dr. James Hicks and his family in memory of his parents, Al and Lee Wehlitz. After moving to Queensbury, Dr. Hicks and his wife enrolled their children in the local school district. Although Al and Lee Wehlitz had no direct ties to the area, they were passionate supporters of the performing arts and arts education. This award is designated for a student pursuing a career in performance, art, design, or other creative endeavors, reflecting the Wehlitz family’s commitment to fostering creativity and artistic expression. This year’s recipient of the Al and Lee Wehlitz Memorial Scholarship was Kyla McByrne.
Kyla’s passion for art and dance has guided her journey, and it’s inspiring to see how she has turned her love for these forms of expression into a path toward a career in the creative arts. The experiences she’s had, from competing with her Dance Team to mentoring younger students at a summer camp, have shaped her aspirations as she prepares to study at the Rochester Institute of Technology School of Art and Design this fall. Best wishes to you, Kayla, from all of us at the QCSA!
Briana Guay
Anne White Memorial Scholarship
In September of 1963, when the high school building was first opened on the Queensbury school campus, Anne was in charge of establishing the new library. During her time as the high school librarian, Anne further served the district as a yearbook advisor for several graduating classes, and she also helped design the first college and career exploration program in cooperation with the counseling department. Anne’s interest in literature was coupled with a lifelong passion for writing, which became even more evident following her retirement. Over a period of several years, Anne wrote several mystery novels that incorporated many features of Lake George and life in this area. Anne was the recipient of several grants, awards, and accolades during this time as an established literary author. She was the recipient of the Malice Domestic Unpublished Writer Grant in 1999, and her first novel won the 2000 Dark Oak Mystery Contest. Briana Guay was honored this year as the recipient of the Anne White Memorial Scholarship.
Briana was a three-sport Varsity athlete, excelling in Tennis, Nordic Skiing, and Track & Field, and she valued the life lessons she gained while serving as Captain in both Skiing and Tennis. As Vice President of the Student Senate, Briana had the opportunity to work closely with the student body, planning events and making a meaningful impact within the school. However, the activity she valued most was her involvement in numerous community service opportunities through honor societies, church, student government, sports, and clubs. “I love to see the impact that I can have on my community and strive to make Queensbury a better place,” she shared. This fall, Briana will continue her studies at Villanova University, where she plans to major in English and minor in Economics.
Carter Coulter
Community Involvement Award
Community involvement, positive energy, and genuine service are the hallmark traits possessed by students selected for this distinguished category for senior recognition and awards. This year’s recipients of the “Community Involvement” Award were Carter Coulter, Tanner Fearman, Elliana Jeppesen, Maegen McCoslin, Tyler Milone, Lucas Schell, Taye Spooner, and Tyler Zehr. The QCSA wishes you all a very successful future!
Tanner Fearman
Community Involvement Award
Community involvement, positive energy, and genuine service are the hallmark traits possessed by students selected for this distinguished category for senior recognition and awards. This year’s recipients of the “Community Involvement” Award were Carter Coulter, Tanner Fearman, Elliana Jeppesen, Maegen McCoslin, Tyler Milone, Lucas Schell, Taye Spooner, and Tyler Zehr. The QCSA wishes you all a very successful future!
Elliana Jeppesen
Community Involvement Award
Community involvement, positive energy, and genuine service are the hallmark traits possessed by students selected for this distinguished category for senior recognition and awards. This year’s recipients of the “Community Involvement” Award were Carter Coulter, Tanner Fearman, Elliana Jeppesen, Maegen McCoslin, Tyler Milone, Lucas Schell, Taye Spooner, and Tyler Zehr. The QCSA wishes you all a very successful future!
Elliana Jeppesen was a member of the Varsity Cheer team for four years, serving as Captain for two. She dedicated her time to various community service activities through Key Club and volunteered at two military veterans homes. In addition, Elliana held leadership roles as President and Vice President of the National Art Honor Society. This fall, she will begin her studies in Political Science at Norwich University, with the goal of becoming a Paralegal Specialist for the military, where she hopes to provide legal counsel and services to enlisted soldiers and veterans.
Maegen McCoslin
Community Involvement Award
Community involvement, positive energy, and genuine service are the hallmark traits possessed by students selected for this distinguished category for senior recognition and awards. This year’s recipients of the “Community Involvement” Award were Carter Coulter, Tanner Fearman, Elliana Jeppesen, Maegen McCoslin, Tyler Milone, Lucas Schell, Taye Spooner, and Tyler Zehr. The QCSA wishes you all a very successful future!
Outside of school, Maegen McCoslin has been deeply involved in Competitive Equestrian Riding since 2010, participating in both English and Western events and dedicating countless hours at the barn. She has also been an active member of FBLA and volunteered with Key Club. In addition, Maegen gained valuable practical skills working as an Administrative Assistant in her family’s business. This fall, Maegen will begin her studies in Marketing at the University of Central Florida.
Tyler Milone
Community Involvement Award
Community involvement, positive energy, and genuine service are the hallmark traits possessed by students selected for this distinguished category for senior recognition and awards. This year’s recipients of the “Community Involvement” Award were Carter Coulter, Tanner Fearman, Elliana Jeppesen, Maegen McCoslin, Tyler Milone, Lucas Schell, Taye Spooner, and Tyler Zehr. The QCSA wishes you all a very successful future!
Tyler Milone was grateful to be selected for the Early College Career Academy, where he split his time between QHS and SUNY Adirondack, honing his skills in information technology, computer networking, and cybersecurity. He also enjoyed his involvement with the Vex Robotics Team. This fall, Tyler will continue his studies in Cybersecurity at SUNY Adirondack.
Lucas Schell
Community Involvement Award
Community involvement, positive energy, and genuine service are the hallmark traits possessed by students selected for this distinguished category for senior recognition and awards. This year’s recipients of the “Community Involvement” Award were Carter Coulter, Tanner Fearman, Elliana Jeppesen, Maegen McCoslin, Tyler Milone, Lucas Schell, Taye Spooner, and Tyler Zehr. The QCSA wishes you all a very successful future!
Taye Spooner
Community Involvement Award
Community involvement, positive energy, and genuine service are the hallmark traits possessed by students selected for this distinguished category for senior recognition and awards. This year’s recipients of the “Community Involvement” Award were Carter Coulter, Tanner Fearman, Elliana Jeppesen, Maegen McCoslin, Tyler Milone, Lucas Schell, Taye Spooner, and Tyler Zehr. The QCSA wishes you all a very successful future!
Taye was the founder of the QHS Chess Club and served as the Treasurer of the National Honor Society. A proud NYSPHSAA Scholar-Athlete, he was also a committed member of the Varsity Lacrosse team. His passion for physical fitness, combined with his dedication to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, will be valuable assets as he begins his studies in Physical Therapy this fall at the University at Buffalo.
Tyler Zehr
Community Involvement Award
Community involvement, positive energy, and genuine service are the hallmark traits possessed by students selected for this distinguished category for senior recognition and awards. This year’s recipients of the “Community Involvement” Award were Carter Coulter, Tanner Fearman, Elliana Jeppesen, Maegen McCoslin, Tyler Milone, Lucas Schell, Taye Spooner, and Tyler Zehr. The QCSA wishes you all a very successful future!
Community Involvement Award
Community involvement, positive energy, and genuine service are the hallmark traits possessed by students selected for this distinguished category for senior recognition and awards. This year’s recipients of the “Community Involvement” Award were Carter Coulter, Tanner Fearman, Elliana Jeppesen, Maegen McCoslin, Tyler Milone, Lucas Schell, Taye Spooner, and Tyler Zehr. The QCSA wishes you all a very successful future!
Reann Abbey
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Reann found joy in the creative arts as a member of the National Art Honor Society, while also expressing her creativity through dance and performance outside of school. Additionally, she was a member of the National Honor Society, balancing her academics with a part-time job at Dunkin’ Donuts for the past three years. Reann has a passion for learning about human behavior, thoughts, and emotions. This fall, she will begin her studies in Psychology at SUNY Plattsburgh, with hopes of working with children’s emotional needs in the future. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
August Bishop
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Anna Corlew
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Anna enjoyed participating in SkillsUSA regional and state competitions at Schenectady Community College and the NYS Fair Grounds in Syracuse, NY. She was grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Early College Career Academy, which allowed her to split her time between QHS and SUNY Adirondack. This experience enabled her to combine her passion for baking, inspired by her grandma, with the coursework needed for potentially owning her own business. Additionally, her internship as Kitchen Manager at Double H Ranch provided valuable opportunities to work with campers and their families. This experience inspired her to focus on Childhood Education and Special Education as she continues her studies this fall at LeMoyne College. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Carson Correa
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Carson has eagerly taken nearly every Business course offered at QHS and was an active member of both the Varsity Baseball and Varsity Ski Racing Teams. He valued his work with Best Buddies and gained valuable experience as an employee at Red Lobster. With a strong passion for entrepreneurship, he has already established his own business with an LLC. This fall, Carson plans to continue his studies in Business, Marketing, and Finance at SUNY Adirondack. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Valentina Di Marco
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Valentina arrived at QHS as a Global Scholar Student from the small island community of Portoferraio, Italy, for a year. She enjoyed being part of the Cheer Team and International Club and valued her volunteer experiences through the National Honor Society. From a young age, Valentina was involved in dance, acting, singing, and piano, performing and competing regularly. This fall, she plans to continue her studies in Theater at SUNY Oswego. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Sean Donahue
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Sean’s most valued experience at QHS was as a member of the Varsity Tennis team. He was grateful for the opportunity to learn a sport he can enjoy for a lifetime, noting, “Coach Frasier made it the most enjoyable sport I have ever played. He is incredibly skilled with the mental aspects of the game and knows how to make it fun for everyone.” Sean was also an active volunteer in his community through his church, participated in the “Young Life” group, and contributed his audio technology skills to church services. He managed to balance his academics, extracurriculars, and a part-time job, most recently working as a camp counselor through the Queensbury Recreation Department. This fall, Sean will continue his studies in Business at SUNY Adirondack. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Lilyauna Hazelton
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Mikayla Linehan
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Mikayla has proudly served as Vice President of SkillsUSA Area 3, President of Key Club, and Secretary for the BOCES National Technical Honor Society. She was grateful for the opportunity to pursue her passion for cooking through the BOCES program and hopes to one day build a career in Culinary Arts and Hospitality. This fall, she will continue her studies at SUNY Cobleskill. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Keith Lussier
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Keith enjoyed his time with the Zoology Club and cherished the experience of playing Tennis during his senior year. He also appreciated the life skills he gained while working at Hannaford. Although he is undecided on a major, Keith is interested in exploring Veterinary Science or Business as he continues his studies at SUNY Adirondack this fall. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Cameron McGarr
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Cameron’s most valued activity at QHS was Wrestling, where he earned recognition as a Big Board Sports Athlete of the Week. This fall, he plans to study Sports Nutrition at Northfield Mount Hermon Prep and hopes to one day return to coach Wrestling at QHS. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Brayden Monastero
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Brayden was a dedicated athlete, participating in Lacrosse from grades 9-12, Cross Country Running from grades 9-10, and Cross Country Skiing from grades 10-12. A proud member of the National Honor Society, he has also worked as a busser at the Lake George Beach Club every summer since 2021. This fall, Brayden will begin his studies in Cybersecurity Management at Rivier University. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Levi Neal
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Levi greatly valued his time in the QHS Music Department, participating in Area-All State, All County, and the NYSSMA festivals, and receiving the Student of the Quarter award in Music. In addition to playing the trombone, he taught himself guitar, bass, and keyboard. This fall, Levi will continue his studies at SUNY Canton, pursuing a degree in Funeral Services/Mortuary Sciences. “I want to provide a positive environment for families to cope and recover from grief,” he shares. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Brandon Neel
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Brandon greatly valued his time in the Career Pathways program at QHS. This fall, he will continue his studies in History at SUNY Adirondack. Brandon hopes to find a career that combines his interests in world maps, cartography, and coding with his love for research. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Cody Thompson
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Cody was a dedicated Lacrosse player at QHS and greatly valued his involvement in activities through the National Honor Society and the French Honor Society. He fondly recalls participating in the school-wide food drive, volunteering at the Open Door Mission, and contributing to the Festival of Trees. Outside of school, Cody enjoys fishing, skiing, hunting, camping, and hiking. This fall, he will begin his studies in Biochemistry at SUNY Geneseo, preparing for dental school and pursuing his dream of becoming an orthodontist. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Nicholas Thompson
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Nicholas will continue his studies this fall at SUNY Cobleskill, where he plans to pursue a degree in Culinary Science. He looks forward to honing his skills and becoming a more accomplished chef, aiming to create better, more extravagant dishes that bring joy to the people he cooks for. In addition to his passion for cooking, Nicholas enjoys spending time outdoors, particularly fishing and hiking. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Bradyn Tucker
School Citizen Award
The “School Citizen” Scholarship Award is presented to students who embody the qualities of school spirit, fine character, and the exceptional willingness to fully embrace, participate, and engage with school-related activities.
Bradyn gained valuable insights through his volunteering experiences at QHS, from guiding Freshmen around the school to helping transfer donations for the Snack Pack Program. These activities opened his eyes to the needs within his community and he found fulfillment in making a difference. His interest in pursuing a career in Business was sparked by the engaging topics shared by the enthusiastic teacher of his high school Entrepreneurship class. Bradyn hopes to one day combine his passion for Computer Science with Business, while continuing to contribute to his community. This fall, he will begin his studies at SUNY Adirondack. The QCSA wishes you the very best with your future plans!
Alannah Liebman
Class of 2024 Award
The “Class of 2024” Scholarships honor those students who were integral in volunteering at the QCSA’s annual Phone-A-Thon held this past October. These enthusiastic seniors embody commitment, school spirit and dedication in addition to being heavily involved in a number of other school and community endeavors. This year’s recipients of the “Class of 2024” award were Madison Castler and Alannah Liebman.
Alannah valued her time as a member of the Varsity Track & Field Team and enjoyed teaching kids Spanish at the WHBI building through the Spanish Club. For the past three and a half years, she has successfully balanced the demands of school with a part-time job in the restaurant industry. Alannah has been deeply influenced by her father, a New York State Policeman, and plans to study Criminal Justice this fall at the University of New Haven, focusing on Forensic Psychology. Everyone at the QCSA wishes you the very best!
Aidan Perez
The Marlene Connolly Memorial Scholarship
The Marlene Connolly Memorial Scholarship was established in 2022 by the friends, family and colleagues of Marlene M. Connolly. Marlene grew up in Queensbury and graduated from St. Mary’s Academy in 1964. She went on to obtain her nursing degree in 1967 through St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany. Upon graduation she started working as an Operating Room nurse at Glens Falls Hospital. Later, she became a school nurse, working at Glens Falls High School and then moving over to the Queensbury school district. Marlene would spend over 20 years providing care to the students of Queensbury. After her retirement, Marlene began a successful second career as a realtor for Berkshire Hathaway. Marlene and her husband Chuck were involved in the Queensbury & Glens Falls community through the school, St. Mary’s Church in Glens Falls and Our Lady of the Annunciation in Queensbury. Marlene was a lovely, smart, loyal and hard-working person. She had a sunny disposition and had many strong friendships. Through her life, Marlene helped a great number of individuals in need and impacted those lives immeasurably. She loved nothing more than spending her free time with her husband, family and friends. In early 2022 we lost Marlene to an extremely rare form of sarcoma, Marlene left a lasting impression on the hearts of everyone who knew her. One of this year’s recipient of the Marlene Connolly Memorial Scholarship is Aidan Perez.
Aidan was grateful for the opportunity to participate in the BOCES New Visions Health Careers Exploration Program at QHS, where he was exposed to many potential career paths. He also enjoyed the volunteer opportunities provided through NHS, including participating each year in the Snack Pack Drive. Aidan was a contributing member of the Varsity Soccer team and proud of winning the Foothills Title last year. This fall, Aidan will be studying Nursing at Binghamton University. In the future, he hopes to have a positive impact on the lives of his patients and their families.. The QCSA wishes Masen the best at the Binghamton University this Fall!
Wenxi Wang
The Marlene Connolly Memorial Scholarship
The Marlene Connolly Memorial Scholarship was established in 2022 by the friends, family and colleagues of Marlene M. Connolly. Marlene grew up in Queensbury and graduated from St. Mary’s Academy in 1964. She went on to obtain her nursing degree in 1967 through St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany. Upon graduation she started working as an Operating Room nurse at Glens Falls Hospital. Later, she became a school nurse, working at Glens Falls High School and then moving over to the Queensbury school district. Marlene would spend over 20 years providing care to the students of Queensbury. After her retirement, Marlene began a successful second career as a realtor for Berkshire Hathaway. Marlene and her husband Chuck were involved in the Queensbury & Glens Falls community through the school, St. Mary’s Church in Glens Falls and Our Lady of the Annunciation in Queensbury. Marlene was a lovely, smart, loyal and hard-working person. She had a sunny disposition and had many strong friendships. Through her life, Marlene helped a great number of individuals in need and impacted those lives immeasurably. She loved nothing more than spending her free time with her husband, family and friends. In early 2022 we lost Marlene to an extremely rare form of sarcoma, Marlene left a lasting impression on the hearts of everyone who knew her. One of this year’s recipients of the Marlene Connolly Memorial Scholarship is Wenxi Wang.
When asked what her most valued activities were at QHS, Wenxi shared her CAS project, where she designed a mental health room to help peers relax from stress. She also shared her enjoyment teaching Spanish to younger students for 3 years. Wenxi was a contributing member to the NHS, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and FBLA. This fall, Wenxi will begin her studies at the University of Rochester studying nursing. She aspires to “help people to live longer and healthier lives.” The QCSA wishes you the best at the University of Rochester!